
People still play battlefield 1942
People still play battlefield 1942

people still play battlefield 1942

It would be no effort for EA to launch 10 or 20 servers of their own to provide places for people to play, and that would represent an extremely-negligible expense and effort for EA. The server hosting that Gamespy used to provide is easily replaceable - and fans have created their own server services for 2142, Bf2, and Bf 1942.Lots of Design and Pre-Production go into even a single proposal, let alone a finished product and the games we have seen are the successful project proposals which were able to deliver on their Minimum Viable and possibly even Desired products. Modern Games may have more microtransactions (which have increasingly received vocal backlash per new entry), but to say they are inferior products outright is a blatant disregard of technological leaps, the jobs they create for the Games Industry and the vast amounts of time that go into them.


EA has a division that has been working on Machine-Learning, called the Search for Extraordinary Experiences Division (SEED) - which may help improve offline support in the future, if DICE and SEED can work together to bring advanced self-taught AI to future entries in all their multiplayer franchises. Single-Player itself is a controlled, scripted sequence of events that can be somewhat tailored for the AI and Player by Game Designers. With the technology at hand in the Battlefield games we know of (BF4, BF:H, BF1 & BF5), it is going to be exponentially harder to create an artificial intelligence that can react in response to the ever-evolving battlegrounds on which a multiplayer server round takes place. Then there is the slowly dwindling single-player / offline experience. Games aren't getting inferior in design, they're simply getting so much more visually and logically intense that they will increasingly require more staff per technological leap to meet current Gaming Enthusiast and Consumer standards. All that required a lot of work by Games Engine Programmers, Concept Artists, Environment Artists, Project Managers, Technical Artists and many many more. Greatly improved visuals have been leaping with new generations of technology.

people still play battlefield 1942

The Destruction 3.0 capabilities of the Frostbite engine are still vastly impressive. With many of the new titles, we have received vastly new technological leaps alongside an increase in overall quality which was not possible in earlier generation titles. There are features that we have lost or received ill-fitting replacements to (Campaigns / War Stories replacing Offline VS Bots), that may not always be for the worst. It is a very time consuming and passion-driven process for a lot of developers to create titles, let alone the technical evolutions since then. There are classic titles that do stand out from modern releases of the franchise (Battlefield: Bad Company 2 + Vietnam Expansion namely) but to call newer games inferior in design is straight up incorrect from a variety of levels. Nostalgia driven by a childish love of bug abuse, neglect for what the designers intended. I also suspect that EA wants to coerce people to buy and play newer games, especially ones with monetization in them, and to not have people critically compare EA's newer games (which are inferior in design) to their older games.Īs much as I'd love to defend Battlefield 2, Battlefield 2142, Battlefield Vietnam and that generation of gaming, it'd be so out of blind nostalgia.Apex Legends Mobile Limited Regional Launch.The only thing I have against the game is the fact that it's not entirely historically accurate. You can get in any vehicle you like, as long as it's not inhabited. Yes, you can take certain objectives, but you don't have to. You don't have to start over if you die.Īll in all, I think the best way that I can describe BF:1942 is this: It's like a cross between Medel of Honor/Call of Duty meets Grand Theft Auto. Another thing that's nice is the fact that you can re-spawn. Okay, let me first off say that this game isn't exactly historically correct but who cares? It's a fun game! If you're used to games where you only run or walk, and don't like it, then this game is for you! You can drive a tank, be a gunner, fly a plane, swim (Which is a surprise, considering that in every other game you either just walk through it or die.), be a main battery on a battleship, or just r un.Īlso, another thing that made this game stand out for me is the fact that you can flank the enemy you don't just go through one path and hope not to die.


It took a while for me to install it, but when I did, I'm glad I did! When I first bought this game, I was hesitant, but I figured that I would buy it I got it for $20, so I figured I wouldn't be out too much if it was a flop. *Note: I bought the pack with "Road to Rome", "Secret Weapons of WWII", and "Battlefield: Vietnam."

People still play battlefield 1942